
The Bowstring Method® of Manual Therapy Certification & Workshops

The Bowstring Method®
of Advanced Manual Therapy

Workshops and Certifications Available for Manual Therapists, Medical Professionals, Bodyworkers, and Personal Trainers

Training Guide

If you want to greatly improve your clients’ outcomes, become a sought-after cash-based therapist, and have manual skills that far exceed that of others in the field, The Bowstring Method® of Advanced Manual Therapy Instructional Series is for you. Not only will you learn specific concepts and ideas that will change the way you practice, but you’ll also learn how to protect your own hands and joints from over-use, allowing you to have a long and fruitful career. You can work toward a certification or explore the system in phases.

The key to becoming a master manual therapist is learning how to treat the source of the problem, not just the location of the symptom. The Bowstring Method® is a systemized approach that teaches physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and other bodyworkers the hands-on skills that are the key to identifying numerous effective manual therapy options commonly missed during the treatment of orthopedic pain patterns.

The certification program for The Bowstring Method® of Advanced Manual Therapy uses a three-pronged approach: An instructional video series (available to stream or download) that includes specific instructions for over 60 original techniques unique to this system; a textbook that augments the videos with even more in-depth information; and in-person mentoring with a certified Bowstring Method Instructor.

In both the videos and the book, colored tape is used to provide a visual representation of the technique. This approach helps your brain understand the 3-dimensional aspect to the work, and create a memory for you that can help you access that understanding later when you’re working on clients.

Manual therapy designed for the longevity of the therapist.

Certified Bowstring Method Manual Therapist.  Licensed health care professionals can receive full certification in The Bowstring Method®  after passing all six sections of the instructional series. Therapists may also petition to become certified in individual sections; for instance, you could be a Spine-Certified Therapist in The Bowstring Method®.  The modified educational track for non-licensed providers, such as personal trainers, physical therapy assistants, and bodyworkers, will lead to certification as a Bowstring Method Technician. We’re confident that once you begin learning and experiencing the benefits of The Bowstring Method® for both therapists and clients, you’ll want to continue training and work toward certification.

The following seminars, supported by the online video series and training manual, are available through group workshops, clinical in-service training, or through a Body Reform Fellowship in The Bowstring Method®.

  1. SPINE

To learn more about our educational programs in The Bowstring Method®, or schedule small in-service workshops click above or email us at office@BodyReformPT.com.

Sample Clips From The Bowstring Method® Video Series